
What is Netiquette?

In short, netiquette are the rules and guidelines that people should follow in order to interact with with others online in an appropriate and respectful manor. Netiquette includes the specific steps and rules a person should follow in order to become a good digital citizen.  

Some resources might explain netiquette in a list of 8 rules while others may increase to list to 12 or even more. However, despite the differences all list of rules you might find follow the same principals of being respectful, curtious, and safe while utilizing digital spaces and interacting with others online. 

Two CRUCIAL areas of Netiquette that might be particularly important for students includes "Cyber Bullying" and "Social Networking".

Cyber Bullying is any form of bullying (harrassment, insults, threats, shaming, etc...) through the use of digital platforms. These digital platforms can include online chat rooms, social media websites, online video games, and even texts through phones. Cyber bullying can often be paired with face-to-face bullying as well, however cyber bullying leaves a digital trail and allows us to track and monitor the history of it. Although cyber bullying has become a messy issue for many educators, it also allows us to keep closer tabs on students and can even provide helpful insights on how to prevent future bullying (both cyber and face-to-face) from occuring even further. 

Because cyber bullying has become such a prominent issue in today's world of education, it is important that educators become familiar with social networking platforms. Some of the most popular social networking sites include Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, amongst many others. These sites allow us to interact with each other in a multitude of ways, both positive and negative. Although these interactions are digital, they can be extremely impactful for students and how they react to the real world around them. 

